Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Day Hell.

Today in global studies my fake dad presented. He was pretty funny in an old man goofy kind of way. Then Schoenner, the regular globals tudies professor reminded us that the reason the ocean's been so calm lately is because the equator always has very calm seas and relatively no wind - in olden times they used to call it the doldrums (anyone else read Phantom Tollbooth when they were little?!) and they used to have to tie up the lifeboats and row the whole ship until they got far enough away from the equator. Crazy, huh? So also, I am exhausted, and in ten minutes I have to go to my last class of the day... Sometimes this schedule just kills me I get so tired. In biomedical ethics today the professor asked us all to come 30 minutes early to the next A day class so this is what my class schedule will be looking like day after tomorrow:


7am: wake up, wash my face and teeth and grab breakfast before class.

7:30-9:15: go to class where I'll take 1/3 of my midterm for biomedical ethics and then watch the rest of Wit, whereby we'll recieve our 2/3 midterm, a 8-10 page paper on ethics as they pertain to the movie.

9:20-10:35: Global studies

10:45-12: Go take a quiz in Classical Islam (he told us about this today and hasn't said what'll be on the quiz.)

12-1:30: Lunch

1:30-2:45: Test in World Religions on African religions and Christianity.




Joe K. said...

oh shit you're watching Wit for Biomedical Ethics? my english class is at the NOVA Nursing campus so we just read that, watched the movie, and now I'm writing a paper about it. ballerrrrrrrrrrrrr

Anonymous said...

I miss you bumble bee! only 8 more weeks !